History CMS Donate Engine

CMS Minecraft Shop v0.5.2

Added page on the server with details. Screenshot and a list of changes, see the full news.

Posted: 15:33:09 30-01-2013

CMS Minecraft Shop v0.5.1

Added module dynamic display units in the inventory showing the wear items. Screenshot of the updated inventory to the full news.

Posted: 15:33:09 29-01-2013

CMS Minecraft Shop v0.5

Updated the scheduler, which now supports remote databases plugins Simple Clans and permissionEx.

Posted: 19:33:09 27-01-2013

CMS Minecraft Shop v0.4.9.9

Added support for connections to external databases to plug permissionEx, server configuration, you can now specify the connection information.

Posted: 20:24:11 26-01-2013

CMS Minecraft Shop v0.4.9.8

Added multi-server functionality allows the group to buy Minecraft servers from different tables plugin permissionEx, which must be re-assembled.

Posted: 15:02:08 25-01-2013

CMS Minecraft Shop v0.4.9.7

In the news module works correctly with quotes and special HTML characters for the admin in the announcement of the news.

Posted: 18:58:35 24-01-2013

CMS Minecraft Shop v0.4.9.6

The redesigned its placement game items on the market, abolished the ability to move the blocks on the market for players with inventory one server to another.

Posted: 23:15:47 23-01-2013

CMS Minecraft Shop v0.4.9.5

Changed method of working with profiles of players, if the path using ftp server. For a copy, the method uses the php library CURL.

Posted: 23:39:51 19-01-2013

CMS Minecraft Shop v0.4.9.4

Changed the structure of the table ms_groups, when you upgrade you need to remove it and re-create the table dump or add a new column to the table serverid, shop, market.

Posted: 18:25:35 17-01-2013

CMS Minecraft Shop v0.4.9.3

In the scheduler (Cron) function is added automatically remove users who have paid the holding period ended privileges for plug PermissionEx.

Posted: 10:40:35 15-01-2013