History CMS Donate Engine

2025-02-21 10:44:54
fix articles

2025-02-20 14:39:57
fix steam generate user name

2025-02-04 03:19:31

2025-02-04 02:36:25
refact avatar

2025-01-31 03:43:49
fix parse db version

2025-01-31 02:15:00
update docker refact menu & acl

2025-01-17 01:45:22
fix tome payment fix cfg

2025-01-16 05:34:50
fix http3

2025-01-15 06:03:59
fix smarty

Donate Engine v18.5.0

We fixed updater, added new updater driver, refactoring Query protocol, adding css and js compilation to cron, fixing shop controller, streaming upload, refactoring servers, slider, refactoring exchange rate, payment via Digiseller, auto-convert to RUB and fixing Bungeecord request.

2025-01-13 16:48:32
fix updater

2025-01-13 16:01:05
add replace update driver

2025-01-13 13:25:51
fix updater

2025-01-13 03:25:10
refactor query add cron assets compile

2025-01-10 01:58:00
fix updater

2025-01-08 12:44:53
fix shop controller

2025-01-08 12:39:29
add retry cde download refact servers slider

2025-01-05 15:09:04
refactoring currency rate

2025-01-05 14:51:40
add digiseller payment auto convert to RUB fix bungeecord query

Donate Engine v18.4.0

Fixed bugs with payments and installation, and added new features for administration and monitoring.