Monitoring for game servers

Below examples of monitoring with the conclusion of game servers for the website, forum, blog. The monitor dynamically displays the number of players on the server and other optional settings that are enabled from the administration section.

Monitoring of external reference

Monitoring of external reference

Monitoring through the frame code

Monitoring of frame code

Monitoring through the HTML code

Monitoring of HTML code

Monitoring game servers in PHP

Server monitoring is written in PHP and was developed to work with absolutely any launcher, available to work with individual servers, and with a common list. Server information includes name, online, slots, server picture and is available in data transfer formats: XML, JSON, Serialize and text.

LinkLink description
/monitoring/ Page list servers
/monitoring/sample_html.html JavaScript, jQuery, HTML monitoring for game servers
/monitoring/?format=json json list servers
/monitoring/?format=json&sid=2 Server data monitoring
/monitoring/?format=xml xml list servers
/monitoring/?format=xml&sid=2 Server data monitoring
/monitoring/?format=serialize serialize list servers
/monitoring/?format=serialize&sid=2 Server data monitoring
/monitoring/?format=text Text list servers
/monitoring/?format=text&sid=2 Server data monitoring