Donate for RUST servers CMS Donate Engine
Rust resource store
Monetization game servers RUST never before been this easy! Connect any number of servers! The gather broad more donations in the Rust Shop! The system of increasing loyalty is incredibly effectively will increase the interest offering on the website. Players will be able to appreciate your attention by automatic awards, scheduler and instant retrieval of resources on the server.CMS for Rust, donate in servers
To connect the PHP script donate shop to the servers of RUST in the admin CMS Donate Engine, set up the connection to the server and the module sets sales set items that will be sold.
Monetization for Rust Legacy servers
Available donate through the basket and optionally the inclusion of market resources, based on pluginand that is easy to install on the server, for similar instructions with servers Hurtworld.
Instant donate shop for Rust Experimental
The game market RUST has an absolutely secure system of buying and selling. It can how to fully disable and enable trading of individual resources.
File for starting the server Run_DS.bat
echo off :start cd rustds RustDedicated.exe -batchmode +server.hostname "My Server Name" +server.port 28015 +rcon.port 28016 +rcon.web 1 +rcon.password "12345" +server.identity "my_server" +server.seed 1234567 +server.worldsize 2000 +server.level "Barren" -logFile "output.txt" -autoupdate cd ../ goto start