History CMS Donate Engine

CMS Donate Engine v3.3.9

Fixed a bug in the Javascript script file, which in some cases led to unnecessary requests to the web server.

Posted: 10:57:51 16-08-2018

CMS Donate Engine v3.3.8

Bug fixes when an administrator clicks the add new item link in the block sales module.

Posted: 09:00:52 07-08-2018

CMS Donate Engine v3.3.7

Improvement of editing of goods in the module of sale of Minecraft blocks.

Posted: 11:41:39 29-07-2018

CMS Donate Engine v3.3.6

Fix of an error in the editing items in the shop blocks for Minecraft servers.

Posted: 14:29:22 21-07-2018

CMS Donate Engine v3.3.5

Fix for cropping avatars when loading in user profile. Fix and improve other features.

Posted: 14:18:38 17-07-2018

CMS Donate Engine v3.3.4

Added functionality for calculating statistics of transitions from search engines and other sites.

Posted: 11:48:19 24-06-2018

CMS Donate Engine v3.3.3

The cache of the administrator menu is placed in a separate entry. To update, replace the files, go to menu management admin/?page=menu, select the administrator menu, and then click restore.

Posted: 16:03:13 21-06-2018

CMS Donate Engine v3.3.2

In the module Life is Feudal deleted the accordion and added optional checking of coordinates in Geo and Geo Alt. In the menu control module, recovery has been added. A slight improvement of the template.

Posted: 17:53:35 19-06-2018

CMS Donate Engine v3.3.1

Bug fix in the class to send RCON commands. Other minor fixes. JavaScript code improvement.

Posted: 20:54:18 11-06-2018

CMS Donate Engine v3.3

Update module sales sets, added a list of servers and the function of grouping products into categories.

Posted: 09:38:03 08-06-2018