CMS Minecraft Shop v0.9.9.7
Added module lottery, which allows two players to play tickets. The winner takes the bank lottery, minus commission of the organization.
To update replace the files in the user menu, add a new item to the page module lottery. The administrator menu, add a reference to the page control settings lottery shop/admin/?page=lottery or you can re-install the CMS.
New files:
- shop/language/en/admin/lottery.php
- shop/language/en/lottery.php
- shop/language/ru/admin/lottery.php
- shop/language/ru/lottery.php
- shop/msmod/lottery.php
- shop/admin/msmod/lottery.php
- Unchanged
- shop/includes/constants.php
- shop/admin/cron.php
- shop/install/sql/databasetable_ru.sql
- shop/install/sql/databasetable_en.sql
- shop/install/sql/inserttable_ru.sql
- shop/install/sql/inserttable_en.sql