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maybe off topic for the forum..
but i hope you will be able to help me with
i have the shop+forum user registration and login in 1 database now i found a
pocketmine plugin and i want it to make it work with the same user database
this is what i get at the settings.
all fat text is what i dont know what to put exept i think table_prefix could be the database user login table
#Login/Register timeout
timeout: 60
#Minimum password length
minPasswordLength: 6
#Maximum password length
maxPasswordLength: 16
#Password hash [b](your password hash)[/b]
passwordHash: [b]"fill this"[/b]
#ServerAuth language
language: "EN_en"
#ServerAuth message prefix
prefix: "&a[Generation&bCraft] "
#Show join message (defined on join-message in the current language file)
show-join-message: true
#Use MySQL (set this to false if you want to save data in local files)
use-mysql: false
#MySQL settings
#MySQL host
host: "host"
#MySQL port (default 3306)
port: 3306
#MySQL username
username: "username"
#MySQL password (you can leave it blank if your database doesn't need password)
password: ""
#MySQL ServerAuth database
[b] database: "serverauth"
#ServerAuth table prefix
table_prefix: "srvauth_"
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A password hash is supported by pocketmine plugin?
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Yep it does
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use-mysql: true
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that i have on but its asking for
#Password hash (your password hash)
passwordHash: "fill this" (i think the salt)
and i still dont know the hash for woltlab O_O
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u tell me crypt(crypt($password, $salt), $salt);
but the settings in the plugin give me this
#Password hash algorithm
passwordHash: "sha128"
i cannot just type
#Password hash algorithm
passwordHash: "crypt(crypt($password, $salt), $salt)"
can i? i know hardly anything about this password hashing stuff i need to learn it..
Добавлено спустя 9 минут 57 секунд:
or i need to take the whole php apart? and change the settings within the php structure?
Добавлено спустя 22 минуты 3 секунды:
i think the whole php for that ...
i can edit the php when i extract the phar file
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Your plugin uses a hash function to authenticate users.
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yeah but i want it to use the woltlab hash function
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