History CMS Donate Engine

CMS Minecraft Shop v0.6.3.2

The built-in registration system. You can enable it if you do not need integration with other CMS and you only need to encrypt the password using the hash MD5.

Posted: 23:42:15 08-09-2013

CMS Minecraft Shop v0.6.3.1

If you have an initial or a personal atestat WebMoney, you can connect directly refill the players through the Merchant WebMoney Transfer.

Posted: 22:51:37 06-09-2013

CMS Minecraft Shop v0.6.3.0

Improved functional modules, news, player profiles, servers, information on connecting to the server and to update the files to be replaced CMS Minecraft Shop.

Posted: 18:04:37 04-09-2013

CMS Minecraft Shop v0.6.2.9

Improved interface module to change the prefix servers Minecraft. Added styles in the drop-down boxes with flowers for text decoration.

Posted: 14:36:18 03-09-2013

CMS Minecraft Shop v0.6.2.8

The modules and file transfer fixed structure HTML tags. The changes are needed to improve the indexing of the store by search engines.

Posted: 20:45:12 02-09-2013

CMS Minecraft Shop v0.6.2.7

Renewed structure for MySQL tables and ms_payments ms_robokassa. For the update, remove the tables and re-import them from the dump.

Posted: 03:26:18 30-08-2013

CMS Minecraft Shop v0.6.2.6

Fixed problems with the payment service Robokassa. To upgrade replace the file structure of the CMS Minecraft Shop.

Posted: 14:50:11 28-08-2013

CMS Minecraft Shop v0.6.2.4

Added new features integration support forum MyBB. In the configuration file, added example of connecting to the user database MyBB.

Posted: 12:53:14 24-08-2013

CMS Minecraft Shop v0.6.2.3

Added support for integration with CMS PunBB. In the configuration file, added a block to the example database connection user PunBB.

Posted: 23:44:14 23-08-2013

CMS Minecraft Shop v0.6.2.2

Updated mechanism for moving items in your inventory. In previous versions, if a player is on the server, wool moved into inventory via FTP, in the new version - through GIVE.

Posted: 15:39:14 21-08-2013