History CMS Donate Engine
Donate Engine vCMS Minecraft Shop v1.8.7.8
Bugfix in module sales resources from servers in the OXIDE. In the module controlling the servers fixed bug editing options display the avatar of the players in monitoring.
Donate Engine vCMS Minecraft Shop v1.8.7.7
Fix error output on the website comments Vkontakte caused by dynamic loading of content on the page. Correction of other errors.
Donate Engine vCMS Minecraft Shop v1.8.7.4
Improved styles for the module display news. Correction of errors in the localization files. No significant fixes in other modules.
Donate Engine vCMS Minecraft Shop v1.8.7.3
Bugfix in planirovka problems caused in awarding the winner in the lottery if it was connected to at least one external database permissionEx.
Donate Engine vCMS Minecraft Shop v1.8.7.2
Changes in the structure of the template. Moved JavaScript code to a file shop.js. The bug fixes in the module file. Improved navigation in the admin panel.
Donate Engine vCMS Minecraft Shop v1.8.7.0
Rename hurtworld module in oxide. Change the navigation menu. Improved navigation in admin panel for fast access to options.
Donate Engine vCMS Minecraft Shop v1.8.5.0
Fixed processing module alerts Webmoney. Added server monitoring Hurtworld via the plugin. Added removal of goods in the module sets and hurtworld.
Donate Engine vCMS Minecraft Shop v1.8.4.5
Donation module for servers OXIDE, enhanced functionality for sales privileges, error if module is selected as the entry point.
Donate Engine vCMS Minecraft Shop v1.8.4.0
In admin module, edit servers, added option to Query the port. Fix encoding in the module sets sales, added the server Hurtworld.
Donate Engine vCMS Minecraft Shop v1.8.3.0
Fixed a bug in notification processing QIWI, in which XML was given page with a text header. An update to the plugin OXIDE.
Donate Engine vCMS Minecraft Shop v1.8.2.5
Module support added in hurtworld system of discounts for goods. Fixed a bug in the module hurtworld, which are not prescribed data in the MySQL column data.
Donate Engine vCMS Minecraft Shop v1.8.2.1
Fixed bug in module sets in which the buyer's balance sheet was in the red, if you press many times on the buy button and to servers far away, the packages could not be reached.
Donate Engine vCMS Minecraft Shop v1.8.2.0
Added authorization through the REDIS database server. The connection example is in the file shop/config.php.dist. Improving the structure of the file shop/includes/functions.php.
Donate Engine vCMS Minecraft Shop v1.8.1.0
Fix module market for servers Minecraft. The error resulted in having lifelong effects and in some cases, to dupe resources.
Donate Engine vCMS Minecraft Shop v1.8.0.6
Fixed errors that occurred during the voting in the ratings mctop and mcrate, built-in lockable system of routes include CNC functions.
Donate Engine vCMS Minecraft Shop v1.8.0.5
Added a rule file for websire IIS on Windows. Fixed a significant error in the files of the modules of donation.
Donate Engine vCMS Minecraft Shop v1.8.0.1
Replace images with a transparent background for servers Hurtworld. Fixed bug in file listing servers. In the module scheduler fixed monitoring Hurtworld.
Donate Engine vCMS Minecraft Shop v1.8.0.0
Added a donation module for game servers Hurtworld. In the module server added a link to the edit server is available to administrators.
Donate Engine vCMS Minecraft Shop v1.7.0.3
In the module sets sales and real estate fixed bug caused when the server is not available. Fix the code of setting cookie.
Donate Engine vCMS Minecraft Shop v1.7.0.2
The fix for the visual editor CKeditor, the setting of the lottery option is added the number of players, the fix javascript errors in the modules edit money.