CMS Donate Engine v5.4.0 CMS DonateEngine v5.4.0

A new plugin for donation RUST OXIDE DB Store. Improvement of the oxide module for integration with plugins for RUST servers. Functions for sending products to the database via the oxide module have been added to the set sales module.

Before updating, run a MySQL query to change and add columns via phpMyAdmin:
ALTER TABLE `ms_store` CHANGE `rcon` `command` LONGTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `ms_store` ADD `give` VARCHAR(32) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'RCON' AFTER `cooldown`;
ALTER TABLE `ms_oxide_inventory` ADD `server` VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `data`, ADD INDEX (`server`);
ALTER TABLE `ms_oxide_inventory` ADD `name` VARCHAR(180) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `server`;
ALTER TABLE `ms_oxide_inventory` ADD `image` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `name`;

To update, replace the files with new ones.

The file with the changes

  • shop/admin/*.*
  • shop/install/*.*
  • shop/app/constants.php
  • shop/app/inv.oxide.php
  • shop/app/language/en/store.php
  • shop/app/language/ru/store.php
  • shop/app/msmod/offer.php
  • shop/app/msmod/oxide.php
  • shop/app/msmod/oxidemarket.php
  • shop/app/msmod/profile.php
  • shop/app/msmod/store.php
  • shop/app/msmod/lottery.php
  • shop/style/gente/js/custom.js

With updating the template, with updating the MySQL structure.