CMS Minecraft Shop v1.0.8.8
Updated the class to work with sessions. Added functionality to record the last visit. In the module profiles derived unit visiting the website.
Runs on built-in authorization and only if mysql is enabled for the session.
To update, add to configuration file $uau['visit'] = 'visit'; and replace the files with new ones.
New files:
To update, add to configuration file $uau['visit'] = 'visit'; and replace the files with new ones.
New files:
- shop/style/green/images/browsers/mb.png
- There are no files
- shop/language/en/profile.php
- shop/language/ru/profile.php
- shop/includes/session_mysql.php
- shop/includes/functions.php
- shop/includes/constants.php
- shop/style/green/css/style.css
- shop/config.php.dist
- shop/msmod/lang.php
- shop/msmod/stats.php
- shop/msmod/profile.php
- shop/msmod/news.php
- shop/admin/index.php
- shop/admin/msmod/session.php
- shop/install/index.php
- shop/install/lang/en.php
- shop/install/lang/ru.php
- shop/install/temp/bdlogin.tpl
- shop/install/include/function.php