CMS Donate Engine v5.0.4 CMS DonateEngine v5.0.4

The scheduler management module has added support for RCON command start time. Improved rcon admin console. In the referral system management module, an option has been added to enable Steam server support and the ability to send a message when awarding a referral. Fixed a bug when connecting a Steam account. The improvement of the monitoring in the admin panel.

Before updating run a MySQL query to change the column type at intervals in the ms_cron table via phpMyAdmin:
ALTER TABLE `ms_cron` CHANGE `interval` `interval` VARCHAR(180) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';

To update, replace the files with new ones.

The file with the changes

  • shop/admin/*.*
  • shop/install/*.*
  • shop/app/constants.php
  • shop/app/functions.php
  • shop/app/msmod/profile.php
  • shop/app/msmod/register.php
  • shop/app/msmod/steam.php
  • shop/app/steamsign.class.php
  • shop/style/gente/css/custom.css
  • shop/style/gente/index.tpl

Without updating the template, with MySQL structure update.